There’s a big stereotype that anal sex is gross and dirty, and that it is unsafe and unclean but it is not if you follow Anal Cleaning protocol.  We all know that the anus is part of the body that shoots out waste. There are a significant number of people that understand that. Yet there are some that feel that anal sex and poop should never ever mix.

This is understandable, but it’s not always avoidable.

Anal Cleaning
gay fitness

Douching and enemas

Provide people with peace of mind, it helps them relax knowing that their ass is clean and ready for anal sex. They know, that after cleaning, that there’s very little chance for accidents and surprises to happen. I’d like to preface this article by saying that at the end of the day, there’s going to be accidents.

There might be embarrassment, there might be some mortification and there might be giggles. It happens and it’s unavoidable. Main thing to remember is not to freak out. Not to act like the world is going to end and just move on from it. Yes, it might kill the mood at the time. But then you read up about how to prepare for your first gay sex experience and realise that it’s not that bad.

But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with cleaning up, and moving right along.

Anal Cleaning

A douche is considered to be a couple’s toy in the sense that douches are rarely used by men that are single. Douches are a sexual aide used for couples to ensure that there is cleanliness during sexual activity.

To put simply, a douche is a tool to bring a stream of water into the body for medical, or hygienic reasons. Whilst douching is typically associated with the vagina, and anal douching is called an enema, the terms are generally used synonymously with each other.

Most sex toy sites will refer to enemas as anal douches and that’s pretty much the terminology that we will use for the rest of this article. There are three common types of douches available out there, and we will go through them for you here.



bulb douche cleaner

The bulb douche is probably the most easily recognizable douche on the market. It’s simple and easy to produce and is one of the cheapest variants out there.

Normally coming as a two piece kit, which will see the nozzle being able to be removed from the squeezy bulb so as to put water in, and also change the nozzle head as per necessary. You would remove the nozzle, insert with warmish water and then reattach the nozzle, squeezing the bulb to allow water gently into the anus.

Bulb douches are perfect for shallow cleans and touch ups, though if you’re a huge fan you can get bulbs with longer nozzles for deeper cleans.


Shower Douche

Pretty much a kit which you can connect your douche to your shower, or an existing tap. They might come in a form where you can permanently attach them, or they might be able to attach when and where you need them, and easily removed.

They’ll generally be made out of surgical steel which will not rust, and there will be some extra steel attachments that you can typically get for them and apply yourself. The benefit of a kit such as this is the ability to get a consistent and reliable flow rate. Unlike the bulb douche, which can result in ‘suck back (will explain this later in the article), there’s no chance of this with a douche style like this.

This type of douche is perfect for deep cleaning.

Especially if you’re into big toys or fisting, as there is a greater water pressure that you can get from this type of douche. Only thing that you need to keep in mind is the level of water pressure. Too much water pressure and you might cause pain or even damage. So make sure that your water pressure is consistent and not prone to jumping around.


Waterbag Douches Cleanner

A form of douche which combines the best elements of both the shower douche, and the bulb douche. They come in a fairly simply concept which sees the bag attached underneath a shower. Held on by a hook which then has a long tube attached to it with a nozzle on the end.

Most will come with some form of adaptor to help control the water pressure. Because they’re not hooked/attached directly to the shower means that they can be easily transported and used pretty much anywhere that there is a shower.

This means that they are great for holidays, dirty weekends, or even hotel rooms and that you can indulge yourself with some anal play wherever you are, and whenever you want.

They are also, for the most part, pretty inexpensive

Though it should be noted that the water bag may need to be replaced every now and then. Which in the long run can be quite pricey. The hydro douche escapes this issue by offering a plastic tube which can be filled with water as opposed to a bag.


There are many arguments both for and against douching. Some people will claim that the body does a damn good job in of itself in ensuring that the body is clean and so long as you’re not engaging in anal play directly before, or after, a body movement then it will be clean and healthy.

In that regard, people will say that a general scrub and light and mild soaping will be enough to cleanse the anal area for anal play.

Soap isn’t essential in this cleansing and you do need to keep in mind your skin sensitivity when using soap to clean the ass. The skin in and around the ass is very sensitive and some soaps will cause irritation if you have sensitive skin, or are allergic to some soaps. If you’re taking this option then you need to ensure that it’s an organic and chemical free soap.

Douching might also beneficial if you have a low fiber or high greasy diet which sees your bowel movements a little looser than normal.


There have been many medical studies that have examined the effects of douching, yet there is no conclusive evidence either way.

Most important thing that you will need to do is to be able to listen to your body. I douche, but I don’t douche with any frequent regularity, maybe once or twice a month as per necessary and I have never had any side effects to douching.

The point that most anti-douching statements revolve around, are the concern of the removal of healthy bacteria from the gut. Frequent and aggressive douching can remove some of the vital bacteria in your system which is used to regulate the levels of bacteria in your gut and colon.

Removal of good bacteria

Can cause a dramatic increase in the bad bacteria and result in an upset tummy as well as affect your prostate health. Which is why it is very important above all else to listen to your body when douching. So that you can get the cleanest ass that you can show off in your hottest underwear.

clean that butthole

The same can be said for vaginal douching in the fact that it removes some of the healthy bacteria which can lead to infections, or illnesses.

Nobody wants that during sex.

The bacteria will help your body digest the nutrients from your food and this is an important process that needs to occur. Now that you know the risks involved with douching, it’s completely up to you as to whether or not you douche.

At the end of the day, every one poops, and there’s bound to be mishaps when it comes to bum fun and anal play. Accidents don’t make you an inhuman monster, accidents will just mean that you’re perfectly normal.


If you’ve read up to this far you’ve accepted the concerns and are ready willing and able to douche. following steps will walk you through douching so that you’re squeaky clean for sex.

Step 1. 

Make sure that before you begin that you’re in easy reach of a toilet/shower.

Step 2. 

Rinse and clean the douche before using to remove dust particles and to make sure that it is clean.

gay wrist cleanning

Step 3.

Check the water temperature. You want to ensure that the water is warm, but not hot. A good way to test this is to get some water on the underside of your wrist closest to your palm.

Similar to what they do when they’re testing the temperature of milk for babies. Too hot or too cold and it will cause a shock to the body and the system and can result in damage to the delicate and fragile skin tissue of the ass. Don’t use any soap in the douche, and make sure that the water is as clean as possible.

Step 4.

Lubricate the nozzle, and your ass before insertion. Since there’s water involved, the best lubricant to use is a silicone lubricant which is a water resistant lubricant and won’t wash away easily in the shower.

Step 5. 

Insert the nozzle a couple of inches inside the ass. You only need to cleanse the lower part of the anal cavity for anal play. From here, gentle squeeze the bulb, or release the pressure, to allow entry of the water.

If you’re using a bulb douche, do not let go of the bulb, else what will happen is that the bulb will suck back the water from the cavity which is just plain nasty and will mean that you have to thoroughly clean the bulb.

Gay Shower

Step 6. 

You’ll get a full sensation whereby you might feel that you have to go to the toilet. Carefully navigate your way to the toilet and sit down. Hold the water in for a few seconds, and then release. It will be a strange feeling, a very strange feeling, but over time you’ll get used to it.

Flush, then repeat. If you’re asking why you’d flush it’s not because we’re neat freaks, it’s just that you can accurately measure how clean you are between each release. If you’re in the shower, hold for as long as you can, spread your legs wide until you’re semi-squatting and then release.

Step 7. 

Repeat as per necessary. You might need to repeat this two to three times until the water that you’re spitting back out can be considered clear and clean.

From here, proceed with your shower towel up and dry, paying particular attention to your ass. You might need to wait up till 30 to 60 minutes before having anal sex as there might still be some residue water in the cavity. Give your body time to clean that up.

You might also note that if you’ve douched the left the apartment to get to your sexual partners house that you might end up with a slight wet patch on your underwear. This doesn’t happen to everyone, only some people, just a heads up if it does.



There’s absolutely no need to empty an entire bulb into your ass during cleaning. Slowly and gently. Putting too much water in your ass during cleaning can have the exact opposite effect that you’re looking for. Keep that in mind.

Always remember to use warm water, and re lube the nozzle each time that you’re putting it back in.

Only use water.

Don’t use any anal cleaners, soaps, detergents, or anything with chemicals. Water is the safest, and only thing that you should use.

Douches come in both as a toy for women for their vagina’s, as well as in an anal form and that means that everyone can douche. If everyone can douche, that means it’s relatively safe yeah? Put simple, there is no conclusive harm in douching so long as you recognise and understand the risks involved and use that in moderation.