I’ve covered a few Gay Sex Safety Tips but I’ll condense them here on one easy page as well as a few more that you’ll need to consider for your 1st gay sex experience.
Never assume the other person is bringing protection for safe sex even if they tell you they’ll bring it. Some boys will say this and hope that you’ll be driven by lust and forget about protection. Lust can go as quickly as it comes, but STI’s can be for life. It’s really that simple.
On that note. Working in an adult store has taught me many things as well as the things that people may not necessarily understand.

There are different size and shape condoms. Sizes refer to the thickness, not the length so if you think you’re thick you’ll need to go large. A great indicator of something being wrong is if the condom breaks.
- If the condom breaks then you may need to consider a different shape or size.
- But if it’s breaking at the base then its most likely the size.
- If it’s breaking near the top then it’s most likely the shape. You may have a pronounced mushroom head type cock, you’ll need to get the condoms that are specifically designed for that shape. Check the sides of condom packs.

A second reason condoms break is that the condom was dry and friction has snapped it. It’s better to over lube than to under lubricate. If in doubt, add more. Don’t forget to grab your cock and spread that lubricant from the tip to the base.
Firstly, it’s hot to show off your cock. Secondly if there’s even one dry patch on the condom your risk of it breaking has increased.
Ensure that when having first sex as a top or a bottom you understand your responsibilities and pay attention to each other’s bodies. Respect your partner’s body and they’ll respect yours.
I never use lubricant with a numbing agent in it. Why?
Because pain is your body’s natural way of telling you something is wrong, especially if you’re a newbie to gay sex you might not necessarily know how and what your body is telling you. Avoid all numbing agents until you’re more understanding of your own body. There’s nothing worse than having an amazing fuck the night before. And then not being able to walk for three days because you haven’t listening to your body.

Anal tears are a serious issue
They can cause major damage if you’re not paying attention to your body. Sting like crazy and they can be majorly uncomfortable. There are several reasons why you can get an anal tear. Rough sex, not enough lubricant, not warming up enough, cock is too large.
Whilst there’s nothing you can do about a cock that’s too large. You can help minimize the risk of anal tears and fissures by ensuring that you use enough lubricant. And to make sure that the sex isn’t too rough to begin with.
Accidents happen. In the heat of the moment things will inevitably happen (pain receptors turn off during a heightened state of arousal which is why bondage and BDSM is popular). So it can be difficult to gauge when something actually goes wrong.
Always ensure that you’re using a quality lubricant.
Water based lubricant will dry out and once it’s dry then you run an increased risk of condom tearing or anal tears. Some tops won’t be able to tell once the lube is out because they may be focused on other things. So, if you’re a top please try and pay attention to this!).
If it keeps drying out, I’d highly recommend switching to a silicone based lubricant and make sure you learn about it.
Always tell a friend where you’re going to a hook up. Or leave a piece of paper on your desk at home. Just make sure someone knows. Consider this – you might be leaving the house for a hook up at 3am for some action in the park.
You might trust this person. But if this area is known for gay sex hook ups then you might have some straight men trawling the park looking for some people to harass.
It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Especially important on online dating.
Just because other people have questionable morals and misleading information doesn’t mean you have to stoop to the same level. If you’re worried about people finding out your sexuality. Or people stealing your photos as blackmail or some other purpose. Never show your genitals and face in the same photo. Keep them separate at first to ensure you privacy and protection.