How To Be a Gay Bottom
In today’s world, when someone says that if you have Sex As A Bottom they’re instantly type cast. Just because one is a bottom doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re submissive. Or even gay acting and I’m not just talking about power bottom as well.
Being a bottom doesn’t mean you have to surrender all the control to the top. Certainly just because he’s a top doesn’t necessarily mean he knows what he’s doing. And if you’re in pain then something is very clearly not working out for you. You are well within your rights to stop, take a breather and try again.
Being a bottom is a responsibility. Just as the top has to ensure that your body is ready to take his cock. You need to make sure that your body is ready as well.
There’s a few tips on how to prepare for your first gay sex experience to ensure that it goes smoothly for both of you.
Sex As A Bottom
Make sure you’re clean. It’s a simple matter – go to your sex store or online store and buy a douche. Fill it with room temperature water, squirt it in gently as you squat over the toilet, bath or shower and hold for as long as possible. Release your muscles, rinse and repeat. Do not do this every time you have sex because you’re also taking away the healthy bacteria as well.
You can end up with some infections. Do it on a need to do it basis. If you have a right and royal model fuck that you just met online. And he’s leaving the country in three hours and he looks like a Bel Ami model then by all means – go for it.
But if you’ve had three days’ notice then you should have already prepared.

You are What You Eat
If it’s a date night don’t go for a carb heavy meal or eat something that’ll make you feel bloated. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than bloated sex. Or having to bail out on a guy you’re into because you’ve eaten the wrong food beforehand.
I’m not saying go eat a salad, but make sure you don’t have 15 plates on the buffet.
Safe Sex
Don’t assume that the top will provide condoms. Some boys just don’t bother and some think it’s the bottoms responsibility. If you both turn up with protection, just means you can go several rounds.
There’s really no harm, the only harm is in assuming. Don’t put yourself at risk for that fuck that you’ve got to have before he leaves the state because you didn’t bring protection. Chances are that you’re not the first person to be in the same boat. Whether you choose to ride it or not that power is yours.
Don’t Starfish
Just because you’re the bottom doesn’t mean you have to be submissive and lay there. If you’re getting bored switch it up or bring one of your toys out to spice it up. Especially if you have an inexperienced top that only knows how to fuck with your legs up on your back. Doesn’t mean you have to take it like that.
Vary it up a little – the responsibility of great sex is in both your hands and hard cocks, not just one person.
Vary Up the Rhythm
A lot of tops love it when you thrust against their rhythm. Just make sure you’re both in time else it can get pretty frustrating for both of you. If you have a better sense of rhythm than your top.
Firstly, good luck and hold on for the wild ride. Secondly grab his hips and pull him close to meet your own thrusts. This allows for some seriously deep penetration.

Use Your Arms
If you’re doing doggy style you’ll be mainly using your arms to brace yourself, but most other positions you should have one arm free.
Guide him, scratch him, and pull his hair. Do something with your arms! If he takes a little longer than other boys you might not want to play with your dick (unless he is) but seriously, don’t let your arm dangle like some forgotten appendage.
Use Your Legs
Wrap them around his neck, twist them around his feet, there’s a boy fucking you and some boys want to feel those extra elements of closeness. Using your arms and legs is also a great way to tell the top what you want without speaking harder or faster.
Gripping him in a certain way, or tightly, or grabbing his ass and pulling it towards you and holding it there. All are indicative of what you want, and if you have a top that also is there to please you and not just his dick – he’ll listen. If he doesn’t grab him by the ear and start twisting till he does.
Don’t let him finish and walk.
If he does, never invite him back over and just finish yourself off with your own boy toy that won’t abandon you. It’s pretty hard to time two boys to come together – this isn’t porn. If he finishes beforehand and you’re struggling to catch up, grab his head and get him to lick your balls.
Some guys stay hard after cumming. Other guys deflate as fast as a balloon with a hole in it. I once had a dude over that refused to go down. Whilst it was a very fun afternoon, after the third time I was a bit over it. If you still want anal stimulation get him to keep pounding or grab his finger and place it on your hole.
He’ll get the message. Also, just because you’ve been laying on your back for fifteen minutes doesn’t mean you have to come on your back. Stand up, put him on his knees and get him to suck you off.
You’re only limited by your energy levels and imagination.