So, I’ve had my 1st gay sex experience and now what happens? I love sex, I love the foreplay, I love the anticipation, I love the actual sex and I love the feel of a body against mine. But what about After First Gay Sex? But perhaps the most intimate moment for me isn’t necessarily during penetrative sex, blow jobs, watching his eyes as we fuck.
It’s the after sex shower where you can wipe the bodies down. Clean your mens sex toys that you used to make the session incredibly hot.
This is the most intimate time for me.
Snuggling up against him as the water runs down each other’s bodies. We clean and wipe all the sweat, cum and lubricant away.
This might not sound intimate, but it’s also where I like to talk. Some people don’t like talking during sex, and some people find it difficult to talk about sex for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. Unfortunately, as you explore each other’s bodies there are going to be mistakes.
It’s up to you whether you feel as if it’s serious enough to warrant a discussion.

“I had an ex once, that was just absolutely shit at hand jobs.
It would have been a far better experience with a fleshlight instead of him.” That’s a common comment about ex’s and if I’m going to honest, I’ve said it myself.
But there are two things wrong with that sentence. Firstly, who’s to say that they are shit at hand jobs? They simply have a different technique, albeit a technique that isn’t necessarily working for you. It must certainly work for them, how else they would jerk themselves off?
Secondly, rather than attempting to shame them about their sexual habits and rather than placing the responsibility on them. Why not take ownership of it for yourself?
Shame can be devastating to ones confidence in bed. Especially with boys can lead to some serious psychological issues which can start an awful cycle regarding erections, self-worth, body issues. And all sorts of unwelcome crap.
So before you shit on someone else’s way start by gently guiding them into how you like it. Consider it as if you’re training each other like little kittens or puppies.
Reward the good behaviour and dismiss the bad
Or ignore it completely. This is how I did it – in the shower one time after he’d finished (and he hadn’t looked after me.)
I said to myself, fuck this, I’m going to show him how it’s done. Leant against the wall and I started jerking myself in the way I liked. Made it as seductive as possible, hoping that I could work him up into a second round.
He reacted pretty quickly and he watched me, playing with my balls and nipples.
When I felt like I’d shown him enough I mirrored my own hands on his dick just to show him how it would feel on me. Gabbed his hand and I mirrored my own technique on my cock.
I didn’t have to say anything, I just showed him how I liked it, moaned a little to show my pleasure and it was done. He now knew my technique and what I liked. I didn’t need to say a word – and there was no harm done to his ego.
You need to get into the habit of thinking – it’s about their technique – it’s just that they haven’t been trained to what you like yet. So therefore it’s your responsibility to guide them to that – you’re not going to get the meal you want and how you like it cooked if you don’t open up your mouth.

Sometimes it’s more beneficial to tell them.
Rather than say ‘that was shit’ use the sandwich method which a lot of teachers and psychologists use. ‘I really liked ‘A’, I wasn’t so keen on ‘B’. Maybe I just wasn’t feeling that today but oh my goodness when you did ‘C’ I felt like I was about to erupt like a volcano.
‘Wrap up the critique in two slices of good bread.
Depending on your relationship you might not even need to mention what you didn’t like and just focus on the things you liked. You’ll be subconsciously telling your partner the things you liked and what you want him to focus on.
Hopefully, if you both communicate well, he’ll do the same
You’ll be able to have the conversation without hurting each other’s feelings and making the other person feel like crap. Because that’s a really horrible thing to do.
Sex is about both of taking ownership for the deed and it’s as simple as that.
Aside from the after-sex conversation
It’s important to clean. I don’t care if you just sat there and didn’t touch much, or you just lay there and he took it all out in the condom. You’re missing out on an intimate moment if you don’t share a shower as well as being unclean.
You’ll need to clean your balls, your cock, your ass. And everything in between at least twice as well as your normal shower routine. That’s despite you being a top or a bottom. Clean. Everything. Also, since ejaculating if you want good prostate health it’s advised that you pee after sex.
It flushes everything out and makes sure all your tubes are squeaky clean. So grab that soap, grab that scrubber, and start scrubbing!